With few ideas available it was decided that more inspiration was needed. The conclusion was that following on from the one idea available that google images would be searched for parallels in hope of coming across ways to develop the idea.
The images below are the ones that grabbed attention:

(i) A gent in his local, in his flat cap with a pint of Guinness. He looks unapproachable, like he has turned to snap at someone. The lines on his face give him character, he fits into the stereotype of a 'typical old man' down the pub. This works very well as a black and white image. the emphasis is on the details of his face, the surrounding and his demeanor.
(ii) There is an unescapable are of separation in this image. The two men are sitting no more than two meters away from each other yet neither are making any effort to interact. Both are in there own world. Although this is a contemporary image shot in black and white, (with the camera rested on the table) this is the impression brought to mind when considering the author of 'at swim two birds'. That he is by himself fully focused on his creation, not interacting with anyone.
(iii) This is the strongest of the images that were taken off google images. The fact that the gentleman in the picture is obscured by the glass screen adds a whole other dimension to this composition. There is no way of knowing how this gent is, what he is thinking or how he is feeling. Everything we know about this gentleman will be created by our own experiences on how a man on his own in a pub is, thinks and behaves. The two stools in the bottom right of the image emphasise the fact he his by himself.
(iv) The figure is blurred where he is moving, yet in focus where he is still. this is a moment captured perfectly. Despite this however, that is not the reason it was chosen. It is the wooden surrounding of the public house that he is in that is the interest. The tones, shapes, patterns and textures of the wood combined with the smooth metal adornments create many points of focus, if the image is being thoroughly explored.
(v) The fifth image compared to the other four is an odd choice. This is a very busy composition, everywhere the viewer looks something is happening. this could be the man smoking his pipe, the gent and his dog interacting, the man who is watching what is happening or the three chaps that are leaving the pub. This has been included because of how the light from the window has highlighted certain figures or items. Because of the light, the focus is on the silhouetted figure of the man with his pipe and the man giving his dog a drink. The eyes start on the dog, switch to the silhouette then move from right to left picking up every detail. The available light if used correctly could be very effective when shooting for this brief.
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