Saturday, November 14, 2009

Book Extract 4

Now listen, said Shanahan clearing the way with small coughs. Listen now.

He arose holding out his hand and bending his knee beneath him on the chair.
When things go wrong and will not come right,Though you do the best you can,When life looks black as the hour of night –A PINT OF PLAIN IS YOUR ONLY MAN.

By God there’s a lilt in that, said Lamont.

Very good indeed, said Furriskey. Very nice.

I’m telling you it’s the business, said Shanahan. Listen now.

When money’s tight and is hard to getAnd your horse has also ran,When all you have is a heap of debt –A PINT OF PLAIN IS YOUR ONLY MAN.
When health is bad and your heart feels stranger,And your face is pale and wan,When doctors say that you need a change,A PINT OF PLAIN IS YOUR ONLY MAN.

There are things in that pome that make for what you call permanence. Do you know what I mean, Mr Furriskey? There’s no doubt about it, it’s a grand thing, said Furriskey. Come on, Mr Shanahan, give us another verse. Don’t tell me that is the end of it.

Cant you listen? Said Shanahan.

When food is scarce and your larder bareAnd no rashers grease your pan,When hunger grows as your meals are rare – A PINT OF PLAIN IS YOUR ONLY MAN.

What do you think of that now?

It’s a pome that’ll live, called Lamont, a pome that’ll be heard and clapped when plenty more…

But wait till your hear the last verse, man, the last polish-off, said Shanahan. He frowned and waved his hand.

Oh it’s good, it’s good, said Furriskey.
In time of trouble and lousy strife,You have still got a darlint plan, You still can turn to a brighter life –A PI NT OF PLAIN IS YOUR ONLY MAN.


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